
Record Categorizing:

We have experience personnel that reviews all medical records, then they allocate categories such as Doctors/Nurses, Billing, X-Rays, Hospitalization, Diagnostic tests, etc.  After all records are reviewed page by page, we then
re-sort the pages by category and all pages are paginated and processed.
How this helps your company and staff is by searching for records you are interested in, and being able to skip entire sections that are not needed. This will save you valuable time and money when viewing records.

Records Reviews/Indexing

 We have experience personnel that review all records thoroughly page by page to create and index list of every illness or injury found in the entire record.  You will then have the newly created index list in front of every record with corresponding page numbers.

 This is just another way we find to save valuable time for your company and staff.

Spot apportionment issues fast and easy with Matrix Record Review Service. Quickly prepare for your depositions. Most important, our Record Review Service will save valuable time and money when utilized 

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